
This website enviroment, development, and bugs

Statistics of Tenegen

The Google search gives today as many as 17 000 hits on the keyword "Tenegen". One of the guide us to the site of the The 4rd International Conference on Virtual Learning, where Giovanni Fulantelly (the representative of CNR - P1) introduced our project in his presentation

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Getting into Moodle

Greetings, All,

This may sound like a backward question, but I was trying to follow the link from the Results page, and when I click on R11 or R12, I'm taken to the Moodle page.

TeNeGen Kézikönyv

Kedves Kollegák!

A csatolt fájl tartalmazza a portálkezelési útmutatót. Segítségnek szántuk, reméljük megkönnyíti az eligazodást a portálon folyó kommunikációba. Ha valami nem volna érthető, nyugodtan szóljatok. Tervezzük, hogy a későbbiekben tovább bővítjük az útmutatót, ezért különösen fontos lenne, hogy kérdezzetek!


Hartyányi Mária

Networked learning: 
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TeNeGen Guide

Dear Partners,

in the attached document you find a guide for Tenegen Portal. The aim of the document to help you take part in the communication, collaboration on the portal. If you found parts in the quide which would be not clear, please ask questions. Later we intend to extend the content according your questions!

The guide was uploaded into the folder Documents/WP0/Results/R3-TenCom_Guide


Networked learning: 
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