In June the Tenegen consortium will run its third on-line course, open to all European teachers who want to get familiar with integrating networked learning methods and Web 2.0 tools into their pedagogical practice. The course is intended to help teachers to understand and apply basic concepts of technology-based teaching/learning, and covers e-learning state-of-the-art and e-learning trends. After finishing the course, the participants should be able:
On 26. of May 2010. the project managers and the experts of the Hungarian National Agency visited us to analyse in the frame of a consultation the Tenegen's results and to outline the next steps of the project. The presentation and the consultation was carried on in a pleasent professional atmosphere. The time the experts spent with us was not short, but it was not long enough to enable us to show all details about the Hungarian pilot. We were provided a lot of useful suggestions concerning "how to go on".
2010. május 26-án a Tempus Közalapítvány munkatársai és szakértői meglátogattak bennünket azzal a céllal, hogy közösen szemügyre vegyük, hol is tart a Tenegen. A bemutató és a beszélgetés barátságos szakmai légkörben zajlott. Az idő - bár nem volt rövid - ahhoz kevés volt, hogy a a kísérleti képzés minden aprónak tűnő, de számunkra nagyon fontos részletét megmutassuk. Sok hasznos javaslatot kaptunk arra, hogy "hogyan tovább".
Tenegen received an invitation for the International Conference “Crossing Boundaries: The multiple roles of trainers and teachers in
vocational education and training” 14-15 October 2010 in Kostelec near Prague. See the invitation below and the attachment to get details!
The Hungarian Tenegen teachers carried on a online survey with their students to discover their networking attitude. The aim was to know wheter the same features of the Net Generation can be recognised in Hungary as in other countries of the world. Dr. Péter Fehér (Eötvös Lóránd University) and Judit Hornyák (Tenegen teacher) continued the reseach and gave a presentation about the results on an international conference in Hungary. Please see their presentation below!
So, I have been working through the TENEGEN course for about two weeks - properly registered - , and now I find out that I do not have access to the ... well, do not have access to what? Anyway, I did register a second time, which worked out fine and quick. What new worlds am I to discover here?
The Tenegen consortium invites all teachers and trainers in vocational schools and in higher education – from Europe and from other countries – to visit the Moodle site for the course, and join to the online course:
The 6th issue of Tenegen Newsletter was published by Ken Currie (CAPDM Ltd., UK -, please see the attachment! Beyond the project's news you find a very interesteing article in it about the ROA (Resources Oriented Architecture) of the e-leaning systems.
A képzés keretén belül a Tenegen tanárok által végzett felmérések eredményeit Dr. Fehér Péter (ELTE) és Hornyák Judit feldolgozta és egy további - saját felmérésük eredményeivel együtt a 2010. április 14-15-én megrendezett "Pedagógiai Értékelés Műhely (2nd Szeged Workshop on Educational Evaluation) konferencián tartott előadásban publikálta "Mítosz vagy valóság? A Netgeneráció jellemzői Magyarországon"címmel.