Projekt work


Only partners who take part in Online Educa can report up to December. Costs need to be summarized in English. In the report a list will be needed in English, with an explanation for all invoices, for all expenditures.

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Costs accounting of Budapest meeting - ALL PARTNERS

Partners are requested to complete all expenses for the Budapest meeting as soon as possible.  Travel documents are required; subsistence is covered by the per diem rate.  Action: all partners to send Maria a summary of their individual budgets by the end of August.  Use the standard templates

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Check Instructors Guides - CAPDM

R15 Instructors Guides: done but re-visit to check. Ken, Ed should visit the Staff room, and find there the guides for tutors and instructors. Action: Ed, Ken! Write only a short EVAL report about this part of the English version.

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Evaluate Competency Framework, Learning Outcomes, etc. - DEKRA

R5 Pedagogical and Networking model is ready. Gerald to evaluate Competency Framework, Learning Outcomes, etc. It would be very important for us to know Gerald’s opinion as he is highly experienced in using EQF, and could give us suggestions! Ed will help Gerald to find the document on the portal.

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Investigate existing European cluster organizations - ALL PARTNERS

Investigate existing European cluster organizations to look for follow-on projects that align with our interests and which can use Tenegen to lead into further work

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Investigate existing European cluster organizations - DEKRA

Investigate existing European cluster organizations and look for opportunities in Germany for ICT/eLearning

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Turkish translation in Moodle - BUNI

Turkish version of TC01 15 of September. Pay attention: TC01 has a huge amount of contents, and the Turkish version should be ready till the end of September, when BUNI starts the English pilot!
The English version of TC01 is ready and reviewed. The text is uploaded into the GoogleDocs.

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Textbook Turkish translation - BUNI

-    receive English version (GoogleDocs) in September
-    Turkish translation follow the English version (mid October) and ready for mid-November
-    receive TU printed version mid-December

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