Ezt a fórum témát azért indítottam, hogy megvitassunk néhány olyan megoldást, ami a Moodle használat közben keletkezett problémáinkra született. A workaround kifejezés magyarul megkerülést jelent. Ezek olyan megoldásokat jelölnek, amelyek nem valamely funkció bekapcsolásában merülnek ki, hanem a rendszer mélyebb ismeretét igényelve kihasználják a lehetőségeket.
The evaluation report for the Quality Management Handbook (QMH) has been uploaded to the Documents section of the portal. It can be found under WP7 | R18 Evaluation reports. The document number is EVALR1_P04.
At our meeting in Palermo, we decided that it might be a good idea to translate our needs analysis questionnaire into German. I would like to start on this, but I don't know how to go about it.
I assume the questionnaire should be available online, so I would guess that the online version needs to be translated. Unfortunately, I'm not sure how to add a translation. Is this the "Clone" function, or must the administrator set up a document I can translate?
I have created an evaluation survey (just 5 statements to rate from 1 to 5) for our meeting in Palermo last week. I would like to ask that all participants take the time to complete it (say, by 14 July 2009, at which time I'll put together a formal evaluation report (R18).
Once again, many thanks to everyone - especially our partners from CNR - for a great meeting.