Ismeritek a Protopage szolgáltatást? Olyasmi web 2.0-ás szolgáltatás, mint a Pageflake: kedvenc oldalaidat (vagy az adott témában fontos oldalakat) összegyűjtheted egy helyre. Példaként csináltam egy ilyen gyűjteményt a TENEGEN-hez, itt tudod megnézni, és szerkeszteni. User: tenegen Password: q1w2e3r4
Please read the Agenda of our meeting, and the Registration table, in where your bookings are recorded. Our ask to you: please check your records and correct it if needed. In some lines we need further information, please fill them to enable us to fix all booking data. We have to close all orders possible on this week, so may we ask you to provide us all details in the tables.
How to correct the details:
1. Click the link : Registration table,
2. Find the row related to your institute,
3. Click Edit,
4. Correct your data,
5. Do not forget to save the modification with the button below!
If you do not find any row in the table related to you, please klick the link: Registration., and give a new row with your data!
Many thanks in advance!
Visit the hotel, where our kick-off meeting will be placed!
this post is only a test! We start the professional work in TENEGEN with design the pedagogical model of Network Learning. The leader of the work package is Dr. István Bessenyei (P2-ISREG). I hope he will start a discussion (in the frame of a blog, forum, book - what he prefers) describing the theoretical and practical points of view he formulated during the last ten years.