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National Institute of Adult and Vocational Education
Prompt-G Educational Centre for Informatics
Prompt was founded in 1989 for computer trainings, software and hardware development and computer service. The most important activities of Prompt CTEC are the ICT vocational courses and state exams for adults. Prompt developed and introduced ISO 9001:2000 QMS in 2000, accredited in Hungarian Adult Education and in teacher’s and state official’s further education, since 2002 Microsoft Certified Partner, since 1998 European Computer Driving License (ECDL) Exam Centre. Prompt was a project partner in „Embedding ICT/Multimedia Standardization Initiatives into Vocational Training Strategies in Europe” under the EU-program Leonardo da Vinci (2004 - 146 192).
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National Research Council (CNR) - Institute for Educational Technology
CNR is one of the research institutes of the Italian National Research Council. The institute is devoted to the study of educational innovation brought about through the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). The research undertaken focuses on:
- Provides the consortium with the theorethical and practical results of SLOOP project (focusing on the freeLOs concept)
- Leader of WP1 – System Analysis and Design based on SLOOP
- Content developer of Module 3 (3. Sharing Learning Objects in an Open perspective)
- Piloting one selected modul with 10 teachers in Italy
- Takes part in all project related activities
- Evaluate and disseminate the project’s results in national and European level
- Provides the theorethical and practical results of NETIS project, focusing on learning/teaching by networkig with the approach of “connectivism”
- Leader of WP1 TENEGEN Systems Analysis and Design based on pedagogical and sociological outcomes of NETIS
- Content developer of Module 2 (Network learning on web 2.0 – Connectivism), and author of one chapter in the course book.
- Proof reading of the content.
- Takes part in all project related activities
- Disseminate the project’s results in national and European level
Phone: 43-1-9680777
Post adr.:Vezetés-szervezési és marketing Intézet, 9400 Sopron, Erzsébet u. 9
CAPDM Ltd offer experience of developing some of the biggest and most successful on-line learning programmes on the market today, coupled with the education research background of a major university department (which specializes in teacher training amongst other things).
- Provides the consortium with its expertise to define standards for curriculums (modules, learning units, learning elements), contents and all additional but essential elements of the delivery, like modul description s for the learners.
- Piloting one selected modul with 10 teachers in UK
- Takes part in all project related activities
- Evaluate and disseminate the project’s results in national and European level
Contact person: Ken Currie, Director of Business Development
Tel: 0131 477 8632
Fax: 0131 477 8621
One of the largest training organisations in Germany, leading courses span one-day seminars to training programmes lasting several years. DEKRA’s experts provide one-stop customised concepts both for human resources and outplacement activities as well as for the optimisation of business processes. Training fields: Information Technology, Business, Key qualifications, Logistics, Technology, Safety and security. Their publicly funded retraining programmes:
- High-tech seminars – information technology
- Nationwide - 17 service and 42 training centres
- Training centre for high technology in Dresden
- Courses of study leading to Bachelor degree
- Provides the consortium with its expertise on quality management of e-learning
- Piloting one selected modul with 10 teachers in DE
- Takes part in all project related activities
- Evaluate and disseminate the project’s results in national and European level
Balýkesir University was founded in 1992 but its origin reaches 1910s. Currently we are continuing to give education both in the city centre and in the districts of Balýkesir and in the Gulf Region the university has 4 vocational high schools for higher education in the districts of Balýkesir; Ayvalýk, Burhaniye, Havran and Edremit, and a school of applied disciplines is planned to start to give education this year in Ören, Burhaniye all of which have established with the claim of providing qualified human resource for the services sectors which face employment problem in order to foster Turkish Economy. In Balýkesir University, with a contemporary approach to education, they strongly believe that the students will be furnished with skills necessary to cope wih the ever changing environment and business life. They will learn English, computer applications, communication through internet and acquire professional skills.
- Translating the e-learning content to Turkish
- Piloting TENEGEN with VET schools in Turkey
- Takes part in all project related activities
- Evaluate and disseminate the project’s results in national and European level
Contact person: Selin Çalý
Our school provides for a number of specialities to acquire theoretical and practical knowledge to nearly 700 students. Our trainings relate to jobs wanted in Hungary, for example in electronics and in engineering professions. Our informatics training is of great importance where we train specialists on the area of network technologies in high school classes and we also offer trainings after a high school graduation. Unprecedented of Hungarian schools, we are in a partnership relation with two international firms. We are a reference school of Novell who are prominent on the area of server operating systems, and we are a local Cisco networking academy. Cisco is a market-leader in the field of the network devices.
We are committed in the application of the pedagogic methods and most modern technological devices. It is important for us that our students have the technical knowledge which can be applied in the practice. Our teachers pay high attention to the development of skills and competences. To the achievement of this aim our educators attend vocational and pedagogic professional trainings. We want to continue this ongoing process in the course of the project. Our school has already taken steps towards the application of e-learning methods and devices happening in vocational training. Eight interactive boards are at our disposal and we are planning to purchase additional ones. The operation of an educational portal, which would complement the educational process going on in the lesson, is our aim beside all these. The necessary material and technical conditions are going to be provided by the school.
Skills and expertise of key staff involved in the project
Árpád Bánhidi is the leader of informatics panel, in this manner the determining person of the development of this speciality. He has completed several courses (Cisco Certified Network Associate, Certified Linux Professional) and has obtained a number of certificates (CLP 10, Linux Technical Specialist). He has repeatedly held lectures at national vocational conferences on informatics and in pedagogic methodological topics.
Lajos Péter Tóth is the technological senior officer, in this manner the determining person of the development of technological speciality. He has completed several courses (Cisco Certified Network Associate, Certified, Robotics, Meixner pedagogic course). He has experience of adult education.
Contact person: Árpád Bánhidi
Phone: 0036-88586060
Mobile: 0036-306600844
Post adr.: Oveges Jozsef Vocational and Grammar School: HU 8184, Balatonfűzfő Gagarin u. 27.
Phone: 0036-88586061
Our near sixty years old medium-size vocational secondary school serves 427 students from 14 till 20. In the first four academic years we run programmes in so called profession groups (at the moment in information technology and in electrotechnics-electronics, beforehand also in machinery). Mostly according to the needs of our partners (big companies like Magyar Suzuki Zrt, Richter Gedeon NyRt. etc.) we offer various two-year vocational training programmes for students after their final examination. Some of our vocational training programmes are not directly based on a specific company needs. Our school is a Local Academy in the Cisco Networking Academy Program (CCNA). We joined to the programme among the first ones. We continuously develop the hardware and software background and our methodology.
Teaching the Net Generation is a real intellectual challenge. Besides we face with new situations like decreasing previous motivation, knowledge and skills of students. We have to change formerly best used pedagogical methods. Even the organization of the teaching-learning process must be different from the one used a decade before. We think that besides the endeavour of some teachers individually to improve their pedagogical practice, some staff level improvement is necessary. The adoption of some best practice of others seems to be the most effective way. It can happen in the form of an in service training. It must be based on the practice, relevant to the teacher’s specific task and own students. We think that the project offers opportunity to several of our colleagues to become even better and more efficient teacher.
Skills and expertise of key staff involved in the project
Imre Dér is a flexible, sympathetic personality. He is an ambitious team worker. As leader he was and is able to build a good working atmosphere. He formed the teaching staff a successful team. The maintainer of the school is satisfied with his work. Among his strong points their outstanding IT knowledge and practice must also be mentioned.
László Gergely used to be the headmaster of the school for 16 years. He managed several educational reforms in the school with success. He easily makes contacts with partners. His professional activities were recognised in national and international level.
Recently he completed the E-learning training of the Prompt-G Computer Training and Education Centre.
Contact person: Dér Imre
Phone: 0036-33500936
Post adr.: Bottyán János Vocational Secondary School of the Komárom-Esztergom County Authority: 2500 Esztergom, Főapát u. 1.
Mobile: 0036-307494318
In our school there are approximately 1300 students and 100 teachers. The school contains secondary grammar school (Hungarian and Hungarian – English bilingual), vocational secondary and technical school (Hungarian and Hungarian - German bilingual) and school of catering. The students are between 14 and 21. They come mainly from Győr and the nearby villages. So the school is multicoloured in respect of catering, age, geographical and social background, as well. All of these respects make the school suitable for wild sampling in respect of a given test. The ICT environment of the school is above the Hungarian mean.
Ten teachers from our staff will participate in the “TENEGEN” piloting training. Seven of our teachers were trained at Prompt Education Centre for Informatics. Out of that seven three will be a tutor of another ten from our staff. The ten teachers will test the digital learning unit – developed by own during the project – with pupils of the school. They will analyze and evaluate the experiences of the digital lectures (Task WP5). From these the school makes a report in respect of the requirements of the project (Task WP6).
Skills and expertise of key staff involved in the project:
Ács–Kurucz László
He has 20 years of teaching experiment in Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, both in secondary and adult education. He is a member of different expert lists in informatics. He is a chairman of the examiners of general, professional, technical and vocational studies.
Szemeti Simon
He is the deputy headmaster of the school responsible for the vocational course. He is trained and has wide experiments in trade, truism and catering. He is trained in informatics as well. He speaks English, German and Russian.
Márton Csaba
He has 25 years of teaching experiment in Mathematics, Physics and Informatics. He is the manager of the informatics teachers. He is teaching in the school’s own MOODLE e-learning system for many years.
Darázs György
Mathematics teacher of the Hungarian-English Dual Language Course. He is well up in informatics and physics as well.
Contact Person: Ács–Kurucz László
Post adr.: 9024 Győr, Déry T. u. 11.
737 students learn at our school in different grammar and technical classes. In our grammar school section students attend either classes specialised in foreign languages, arts and humanities, or information technology. Our technical section offers our students vehicle electronics technician, electro mechanic and telecommunication trainings. Our task is determined by education based on competences and structural reorganisation of vocational training. We consider acquiring and using the most modern ICT technology and up-to-date pedagogical methods necessary.
Three members of our staff have already taken part in an E-learning – ‘the school of Future training. On the basis of experience gained there we ensure that further 5-10 teachers will attend similar trainings, we will use the electronic material on lessens with the help of ‘Moodle frame-system’ set up on our own school server, and will also make a study of our experience. We are ready to disseminate our findings, results and benefits in regional and national levels (eg. On our website or different programmes). We will also cooperate with our partners and use the results of the projects in our syllabus/pedagogical programme. We hope that process will contribute to our development in methodology, as well.
Skills and expertise of key staff involved in the project:
Varga Árpád – tutor: Professional co-operation and effective communication technics, in team work ambitious, determined to achieve professional development and self-development; Organising and managing learning process, helping and developing student communities, promoting students’ personal self-development; Using IT and technical tools daily; OFFICE application, multimedia and character design, web design, programming; 2008 completing E-learning professional training; 2002- teacher/ instructor in elementary, secondary and higher adult education 2F
Kőváriné Kovács Andrea – contact person/head of project: 2008 - E-learning – School of the Future, National Vocational and Adult Educational Institute – training; ambitious , hard-working, sympathetic; Management technics; teamwork coordinating educational tasks at local and regional levels. As a headmaster: controlling and management in the teamwork.; ICT; Head examiner of Matura Exams; member of Quality Management Team of the institution; Socrates Comenius1 project international partnership – school project, contact person; National List of Experts – education, management, pedagogical programmes; Expert and advisor – Educational and Pedagogical Services of Baranya County
Contact person: Kőváriné Kovács Andrea
E-mail :
Phone: 0036-72513161
Mobile: 0036-203331821
Address: Széchenyi István Gimnázium és Szakközépiskola, 7621 Pécs, Király u. 44