Project meeting

Tenegen course meeting

We held a meeting to hungarian teachers who will take part in Tenegen course as tutors and instructors. The host of the meeting was one of our partnes, NIVE (National Institute of Adult and Vocational Education), Budapest. We presented the Moodle portal in details, talked about the tasks and the roles of a tutor. We discussed the forum system, and went through the structure of the whole course.Detailed summary will come soon.

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Tenegen képzés találkozó

2009.szeptember 29-én tartottunk egy találkozót azon iskolák tanáraival, akik részt vesznek a TeNeGen képzésben. A találkozó helyszíne a Nemzeti Szakképzési és Felnőttképzési Intézmény (NSZFI) volt.

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Budapest meeting

Final meeting, responsible: Prompt


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Istanbul meeting

Project metteing in Istanbul

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3rd meeting in Turkey

Project meeting organized by BUNI in Turkey.

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Tenegen találkozó Palermóban

A Tenegen projekt második konzorciumi találkozóját Palermóban tartjuk, 2009. júlus 2-3.-án. A találkozó célja az eddigi tevékenységek, eredmények áttekintése, és a további fejlesztések megtervezése. A találkozó házigazdája a projekt olasz partnere, az olasz Nemzeti Kutató Intézet Oktatástechnológiai Intézete. 

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Tenegen Meeting in Palermo

The second meeting of Tenegen project will be arranged in Palermo, on 2-3. July 2009. The aim of the workshop is to overview the former activities and results and to design the further developments starting just now. The hosting will be offered by our Italian partner, by the National Research Council (CNR) - Institute for Educational Technology .

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TENEGEN Kick-off Meeting

Kick-off Actuals

See the attachments:

 Dear Partners!

Please read the Agenda of our meeting, and the Registration table, in where your bookings are recorded. Our ask to you: please check your records and correct it if needed. In some lines we need further information, please fill them to enable us to fix all booking data. We have to close all orders possible on this week, so may we ask you to provide us all details in the tables.

How to correct the details:

1. Click the link : Registration table,
2. Find the row related to your institute,
3. Click Edit,
4. Correct your data,
5. Do not forget to save the modification with the button below!

If you do not find any row in the table related to you, please klick the link: Registration., and give a new row with your data!

Many thanks in advance!


Visit the hotel, where our kick-off meeting will be placed! 

Hotel Queen Erzsébet, Gödöllő

It hardly seems that our meeting will be

from 13 Nov. - 15 Nov.

Registration.   Registration table  
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