October 2009

The course has just begun!

The pilot course of Tenegen has just begun and the work, learning is going on breezily. Almost 90 students has begun to get acquainted with the moodle platform and after some difficulties the substantive work has the main role. Tutors now lay all their efforts on the help of their students. There is a lot to do. Breakers ahead! Bring it on!

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Information R/evolution

If you have 5 minutes, it could be good to see this video. It could be good for start a conversation in our course based on this video.

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Interim report

Dear All,

as you know we are hardly working on the Hungarian course content (and structure) which will start on 21st of October. We are over the Hungarian tutor training, and just now the enrollment is going on. we will have for about 70 teachers, trainers. (The translation into English began too.)

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