The pilot course of Tenegen has just begun and the work, learning is going on breezily. Almost 90 students has begun to get acquainted with the moodle platform and after some difficulties the substantive work has the main role. Tutors now lay all their efforts on the help of their students. There is a lot to do. Breakers ahead! Bring it on!
Elindult a Tenegen projekt kísérleti képzése és a munka, tanulás nagy lendülettel folyik! Majdnem 90 hallgató kezdte meg az ismerkedést a moodle keretrendszerrel és a kezdeti nehézségek után most már az érdemi munkáé a fő szerep. A tutorok most minden idejüket és energiájukat a hallgatók segítésébe fektetik. Rengeteg a tennivaló, a java még hátra van! Hajrá! Mindent bele!
The evaluation report for the Quality Management Handbook (QMH) has been uploaded to the Documents section of the portal. It can be found under WP7 | R18 Evaluation reports. The document number is EVALR1_P04.
At our meeting in Palermo, we decided that it might be a good idea to translate our needs analysis questionnaire into German. I would like to start on this, but I don't know how to go about it.
I assume the questionnaire should be available online, so I would guess that the online version needs to be translated. Unfortunately, I'm not sure how to add a translation. Is this the "Clone" function, or must the administrator set up a document I can translate?
I have created an evaluation survey (just 5 statements to rate from 1 to 5) for our meeting in Palermo last week. I would like to ask that all participants take the time to complete it (say, by 14 July 2009, at which time I'll put together a formal evaluation report (R18).
Once again, many thanks to everyone - especially our partners from CNR - for a great meeting.