March 2009

Someone who could foresee it ten years ago - an article by a Hungarian author Péter Fehér in 1999

Péter Fehér: : Computer in education - at the doorstep of the third millennium

In his article Péter Fehér writes about the state of ICT infrastructure in schools, the roles of ICT tools in education and the essential changes to be made in the teachers' attitude.This article was written ten years ago. (The article was based on a presentation held in January 1999, at Budapest IT conference "Roles of the libraries in education".)

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İhtiyaç Analizi ( Türkçe Versiyon ) - BETA

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Tenegen Ekibi  


Networked learning: 
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Needs analysis - ARCHIVE

Welcome to the Tenegen questionnaire!  

Why do we ask you to fill it in? It is a European level survey to obtain an orientation about the teachers’ (our) perspective regarding the changing digital word around us. Thank you for your contribution in advance!

Tenegen Team
Networked learning: 
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Project Basics

Acronym: TENEGEN

Title: Connect the teachers to reach and teach the Net Generation

Duration: 1.October 2008 – 30. September 2010

Action type: Transfer of Innovation

Programme: Leonardo da Vinci – LLL Subprogramme

Participating countries: Hungary, Italy, Germany, Turkey


Contact: Mária Hartyányi, Prompt-G Educational Centre  for Informatics, Hungary

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