We are very close to the end of Tenegen project, we have to focus on last steps:
1. As you remember, we have to present the Tenegen's valorization plan. On the last meeting we agreed that every partner should send me a short summary about its plan: how the results of the project will be utilized in its professional work, in its country?
as you know we are hardly working on the Hungarian course content (and structure) which will start on 21st of October. We are over the Hungarian tutor training, and just now the enrollment is going on. we will have for about 70 teachers, trainers. (The translation into English began too.)
as BUNI failed to publish the 3. issue in May (we may explain it in the interim report, that before knowing the decisions of the Palermo meeting we did not want to publish the Tenegen news...), CNR published the 3rd issue in July. For this reason I have to modify the original plan, which was:
A csatolt fájl tartalmazza a portálkezelési útmutatót. Segítségnek szántuk, reméljük megkönnyíti az eligazodást a portálon folyó kommunikációba. Ha valami nem volna érthető, nyugodtan szóljatok. Tervezzük, hogy a későbbiekben tovább bővítjük az útmutatót, ezért különösen fontos lenne, hogy kérdezzetek!
in the attached document you find a guide for Tenegen Portal. The aim of the document to help you take part in the communication, collaboration on the portal. If you found parts in the quide which would be not clear, please ask questions. Later we intend to extend the content according your questions!
The guide was uploaded into the folder Documents/WP0/Results/R3-TenCom_Guide
The first version of the portal guide is attaeched, only for help you to work with News, Vocabularies and Webforms. If you have any suggestion to its structure or content, do not hesitate to tell me, but take into consideration, that it was just a very-very first version.
The aim of this form to set up the valorisation plan of Tenegen project. The partners are asked to give their concept how they intend to utilize the Tenegen's results in their activities, how they intend to exploit the outcomes regarding the needs of the target group - the teachers and trainers of the European VET schools.