
"The goal of a valorisation plan is to explain how during and after the end of the project the results
will be disseminated and exploited so as to make them “sustainable” (= once the project has come to
an end, the results must continue to be deployed in different vocational training contexts). A
valorisation plan must therefore necessarily set out in a balanced and accurate way the activities
relating to dissemination and the activities relating to and facilitating exploitation of the results by the
end and/or potential users and for the benefit of target groups clearly identified from the project design
stage." (LdV Programme: The valorisation plan guidelines for project promoters)

Supporting vocational education and training in Europe

 As part of the European Business Forum programme - organized by the European Commission - TeNeGen was presented to the cluster members. The event took place in Brussels 7-8 June 2012 with more than 400 participants representing the stakeholders (companies, educational institutes, national agencies.

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E-learning módszerek az iskolák napi gyakorlatában - Konferencia meghívó - Pécs, október 1-2

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Tóth Zsolt: Kollaboratív és kooperatív tudásépítés a TeNeGEN projektben - Esettanulmány

A TeNeGEN projekt deklarált célja, hogy a netgeneráció gyökeresen megváltozott kommunikációs és tanulási szokásaira választ adva „felhívja a tanárok és iskolák figyelmét a konnektivizmusban, a hálózati tanulásban rejlő pedagógiai lehetőségekre”.
A program keretében megvalósuló, impozáns, kreatív, magyar nyelvű tanártovábbképző kurzus  a külső elemző számára egyértelműen teljesítette a kitűzött célt. A kurzus a projekt oktatási portálján zajló kommunikációs és tanulási folyamatok alapján nemcsak „felhívta a figyelmet” a hálózati tanulásban rejlő lehetőségekre, hanem valódi, izgalmas, az aktív résztvevők számára mindenképpen hasznos, közös tudásépítő közösségé kovácsolta a résztvevőket.
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Collaborative and cooperative knowledge co-construction in the TeNeGEN project - Summary

The declared aim of TeNeGEN project was “to draw the teachers’ and the schools’ attention to the pedagogical possibilities hidden in the connectivism and network learning” by replying to the radically changed communication and learning habits of net generation.
The impressive, creative, further education course for teachers in Hungarian language realized within the scope of TeNeGEN programme clearly achieved the aim set. To say the least it seems to be unambiguous for an external analyst.
According to communication and learning process moving on ‘turbulently’ on the educational portal of the project, the course not only drew the attention to the pedagogical possibilities hidden in the connectivism and network learning. The course has created a real, exciting and useful knowledge co-construction community from the participants. It seems to be very useful for the majority of them.
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Final report - tasks

Dear Partners!

We are very close to the end of Tenegen project, we have to focus on last steps:

1. As you remember, we have to present the Tenegen's valorization plan. On the last meeting we agreed that every partner should send me a short summary about its plan: how the results of the project will be utilized in its professional work, in its country?

Sister (or at least related) project: FICTUP

Dear Project Partners,

I'd like you to have a look at the FICTUP project website:

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