Connectivism course in Hungary

Last year on the initiative of Georg Siemens and Stephen Downes an online course was established on the University of Manitoba under the title of "CCK08 - Connectivism and Connective Knowledge". To follow this very interessant pilot a similar course started in Hungary in February 2008 facilitated by Zsolt Kulcsár (Hungarian psychologist, fllowing research on e-learning several years long) and István Palócz (a Hungarian programmer, a "Drupal virtuous") .The aim of the course to exploit the new paradigm of learning theory - connectivism - in Hungary. The course intend to answer the question: How can we utitilze the potential of the internet to make the learning much more effective as using traditional learning methods and tools?

Tenegen would like to welcome this exellent initiative, and wishes pretty succes for the facilitators and for all participants - we are convinced that Hungary can be proud of being among the first on the world creating real networked learning community grouped around the newest pedagogical paradigm!

Tenegen Team

Click on the picture to access the website of Kulcsi!

The website of the course: !

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