Csatolom a szeptemberi beszámolót a hátralévő feladatokkal, azzal a megjegyzéssel, hogy a legaktuálisabb és legfontosabb teendőnk most a pécsi konferencia előkészítése!
Kedves Kollegák!
Megköszönve mindenkinek az eddig végzett munkáját, csatolom a Tenegen aktuális teendőit áttekintő dokumentumot!
Hartyányi Mária
Dear All!
I attach the document with the decisions of the Budapest meeting - defining the next tasks and the deadlines related to them. The document was uploaded into the folder: / documents / WP0_Project Management / meetings / hungary / Budapest2010.
I kindly ask you to read the document and ask us, if we made mistakes!
as we are close to the half of our project period, we went through again all the earlier and future tasks related to the WPs and the planned results. You find a very detailed descripition of the tasks in the new version of the Quality Management Handbook (uploaded into the folder:Documents/WP0_Project_Management/results/R1-PQM Handbook), and you will get a memo with your part via e-mail.