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Opening up education for new technologies

Desks lined up in neat rows, facing the teacher and a chalkboard. This image of the classroom goes back at least a century and is still familiar to many. At the same time, it is not unusual in European schools to see teachers and pupils working together on-line and developing new forms of learning. European education is at a crossroads. Progress in the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) for education and training has been substantial in recent years. But it is still not as widespread as it could – and should – be.

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Szakmai képzések támogatása Európában

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Supporting vocational education and training in Europe

 As part of the European Business Forum programme - organized by the European Commission - TeNeGen was presented to the cluster members. The event took place in Brussels 7-8 June 2012 with more than 400 participants representing the stakeholders (companies, educational institutes, national agencies.

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Tenegen-t beválaszották a "LEGJOBB GYAKORLATOK" közé!

A Tenegen projektet az Európai Bizottság kiemelte a tanártovábbképzés kategóriában “Jó gyakorlat”-ként a 2008-2010-ben megvalósított LLL projektek között. Összesen 14 projekt kapta meg ezt az elismerést és így a Magyarországot képviselő TENEGEN az Európai Bizottság weboldalán olyan országokkal szerepelhet együtt, mint Anglia, Németország, Hollandia, Dánia, amelyek az IKT iskolai alkalmazása tekintetében az elmúlt években kiemelkedő eredményt értek el.

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TENEGEN was selected among the BEST PRACTICEs

TENEGEN was selected among the BEST PRACTICEs in the LLL Programme in the category of 
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Tenegen Newsletter 02. 2012.

TENEGEN was selected among the BEST PRACTICEs in the LLL Programme in the category of 

"Skills and competences of VET teachers, trainers a
nd tutors"
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Exploitation of Tenegen results - 2011

200 teachers from the vocational education finished the Tenegen modules in Hungary in October 2011 and earned the certificates in the Hunagrian further training programme of the pedagogists. The course was organized in blended form, the online collaboration platform was the Moodle portal. At the end of the collaboration 36 digital lessons were created by small teams of 5-6 teachers proving the e-learning competences developed during the course.

Prompt Team

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Tenegen's Results

Tenegen project is coming to its end. You find a short summary of the results in this booklet.

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Hungarian National Agency celebrated its 15th birthday

Tempus Foundation has reached it 15 years oldThe celebration was arranged on 23th November in Budapest. The presentations on the history of NDA, the figures demonstraing the successes of the Hungarian projects were very intersting and useful for us.

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Tenegen a X. Neveléstudományi Konferencián

A kísérleti képzésben részt vett két kolleganőnk, Fodor Krisztina (Pécsi Tudományegyetem, FEEK) és Hajdicsné, Dr. Varga Katalin (Kaposvári Egyetem, PK) poszteren mutatta be a Tenegen képzési koncepció felsőoktatási alkalmazási lehetőségeit, a hírek szerint nagy érdeklődés közepette. Elképzeléseiket a csatolt poszteren mutatták be! Ez az esemény azért nagyon fontos számunkra, mert arra utal, hogy a projekt eredményei nem múlnak el nyomtalanul, ez már a Tenegen "valorizáció"! :)

Hartyányi Mária
projekt koordinátor

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